Why should I make my own kitchen cleaner? You might ask. Well, think about it this way: making your own kitchen cleaner means you know every ingredient that’s going into it, and you can tailor the ingredients to suit your needs (or your family’s needs). Plus, commercial cleaners tend to contain artificial fragrances and other unnecessary chemicals, so making your own will give you peace of mind about what your family is using in the kitchen.

1) Ingredients for homemade kitchen cleaner

Kitchen Cleaner

Vinegar/water mixture – 1 cup vinegar to 2 cups water Hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol – 1⁄4 cup per 2 cups water Baking soda – 3 tablespoons per 2 cups water Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda are all-natural, environmentally friendly alternatives to store-bought cleaners. Together they make a highly effective homemade kitchen cleaner. Using these ingredients is as easy as mixing them in a spray bottle or bucket. When using any natural cleaning solution, avoid inhaling strong vapors by working in a well-ventilated area and wearing protective gloves. If you do end up with dry skin after washing your hands, simply rub them together with olive oil for softer skin that is less susceptible to irritation.

2) Here’s how to mix DIY kitchen cleaner

Kitchen Cleaner

Vinegar/Water Solution Add equal parts of white vinegar and water into a spray bottle or bucket. The acidity of vinegar helps lift dirt away from surfaces so it can be easily rinsed away later. Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 2 cups of warm water for light cleaning, or use more than 2 cups of water if you want mild sanitizing qualities. Mixing more than two parts of liquid may cause foaminess when applied; however, it will still work just fine.

3) Directions for homemade kitchen cleaner

Kitchen Cleaner

Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 quart of warm water. Swish it around to make sure it’s mixed well, then put it into a spray bottle. Spray on the surface, leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. If you like the scent, add essential oils (less than 10 drops) to your mixture before storing in a spray bottle; you can also get creative with other ingredients like vinegar or lemon juice (for streaks). To eliminate smells in your fridge or garbage disposal, pour half a cup of baking soda down both while they’re off. For tough stains on your countertops, try scrubbing them with 1/2 tsp lemon juice and 2 tbsp salt; let it sit for 30 minutes and wipe away.

4) Advantages of making your own DIY kitchen cleaner

Kitchen Cleaner

Pre-made kitchen cleaners often contain toxic chemicals. You can save money by making your own DIY kitchen cleaner. The DIY kitchen cleaner is easy to make and less time-consuming than pre-made solutions. It is environmentally friendly because you use ingredients that are safer for your family and better for the environment than some commercial options. Also, you can customize it to fit your needs/wants in terms of smell, color, etc. If you have a bunch of dirty dishes or pots after a long day at work, don’t fret! Make yourself a healthy meal and then clean up with our DIY kitchen cleaner recipe.


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