Today, indoor plants are an integral part of every house and every apartment, as well as any place of civil use, such as an office or a shopping center. And this is not surprising: after all, evergreen indoor plants, thanks to their properties and characteristics, create an atmosphere of warmth, home comfort, and freshness. Among all the varieties of evergreen trees, I would like to single out the varieties of philodendron – a plant that amazes the imagination with its beauty, and in most cases with its size. If you would like to add some tropical vines to your Kitchen space, philodendron can become your dreamy houseplant.

The word Philodendron means tree lover. Philodendron has some similarities with the monster. The philodendron is a tropical plant that came to our area from Mexico, South America, or the Pacific islands. The tropical plant has fleshy stems, which are woody at the base. Leaf plates can be oval, pinnately dissected, and sagittal. As a rule, the leaves of a philodendron are colored in different colors, but the upper ones have a darker shade. The fruit is a small berry.

Varieties and types of philodendrons

Since there are too many philodendrons in nature and in culture, we will try to introduce you to the most famous and popular species and forms.

Black Golden | Varieties of philodendron

Varieties of philodendron

Highly decorative appearance due to its heterophyllous (variegation): the young leaves are small (5-7 cm long) – heart-shaped, coppery red, and the adults reach 40-80 cm long (in nature, for of course), in shape – more oblong, color: bronze-green with whitish veins and a narrow light border along the edge.

Watty Philodendron

It is very popular among flower growers because it is incredibly beautiful: velvety, heart-shaped bronze-green leaves with white veins 15-20 cm long and 10 cm wide grow on petioles, densely covered with warty bristles.

Philodendron Guitar | Varieties of philodendron

Its three-lobed glossy leaves, shaped like a famous musical instrument, reach 40-50 cm in length. The newly appeared leaves of the guitar-shaped philodendron visually resemble a heart, and the already mature leaves resemble a guitar, hence the name. The plant is not arbitrary and has already been used as the foundation for the production of several highly ornamental hybrids.

Philodendron Blushing | Varieties of philodendron

Blushing philodendron

The species got its name from its reddish hue, which appears on the petioles, internodes, and in some varieties even on the leaves. Unlike other philodendrons, this species is practically not prone to branching. Plants are resistant to adverse environmental conditions and have high viability.

The most famous species among flower growers, which served as the basis for breeders who successfully bred many varieties with its participation. The petioles of the leaves at the base are dark red, the leaves are 25-30 cm long, 15-20 cm wide, and the cover covering the fragrant white cob is 15 cm long dark purple. The plant is completely unpretentious, it tolerates rare watering, poor lighting, and insufficient air humidity.

Philodendron Brazil | Varieties of phiodendron

Philodendron Brazil is one of the most common types of climbing and heart leaf Philodendron. It differs from the source only in the leaves. It comes from the tropical rainforests of South America. They are also represented by a heart shape, but the edges of the leaves are more rounded. A feature of the hybrid is its coloring. Combine dark green and lime-green shades. The light tone can appear as a tight spot or a blurry spot.

The design of each sheet is individual. Some gardeners manage to achieve a solid yellow-green color of individual leaves. Brazil Philodendrons perform very well in bright indirect light and loamy soil but not in soggy soil. Don’t try to overwater Brazil philodendron and let the top 2-3 inches of soil dry out between watering. Feed your green friend with balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer and stop fertilizing in the fall and winter.

Philodendron bipinate


Philodendron is very popular among people because of cut-leaf or split-leaf. A very lush plant. It is characterized by having large, rough oak leaves, a maximum of 90 centimeters. The flower has a burgundy color with a white center. The flowering shoots an arrow of about 20 cm. This philodendron is ideal for indoor use.

Despite the external similarity, which is misleading for many, these are two different types. The bipinnate philodendron is very rare and the Seal philodendron is widespread in culture. Place the philodendron bipinnate in a spot where it can receive bright indirect light. It appreciates fertile, organic, and well-drained soil and needs enough amount of Philodendron bipinnate.

Philodendron Iseman | Varieties of philodendron


This is a decorative liana, for which support is an obligatory factor in growth, its height is 1.5 meters. The length of the leaf does not exceed 40 cm, the width is 15 cm. As for the color, there is no way to name one, this variety of liana is distinguished by the heterogeneous pattern of the color of the leaves.

Goldie Lock or lemon-lime


Lemon-Lime Philodendron is one of the trailing philodendrons with a bright yellow shade. The liana has compact, young leaves of a yellow-green color (hence the name), later turning light green. This variety is unpretentious: it tolerates low humidity very well. Lemon-lime philodendrons can tolerate low light but prefer indirect light. You can keep it near the windowsill of your kitchen in a hanging basket or container.  It has the ability to purify the air of all toxins and allow you to breathe in a pollutant-free environment.

Philodendron Evans

Philodendron Evans is one of the most famous varieties of philodendron and is known due to its large size and ability of cold tolerance.  The plant is characterized by the presence of very large leaves, the length of which is 80 cm, and the width is up to 60 cm. The shape of the blade is oval, with a sharp end and wavy edges. Philodendron Evans prefers bright filtered light and moist soil to thrive. Avoid it from direct sunlight because it can scorch its natural beauty.

How to grow and Care for Philodendron as a houseplant?

The rules for caring for philodendrons of different species are the same, despite the external differences and sizes. It is necessary that the conditions in which they live are the most favorable for their development, growth, and well-being.

Remember that with proper and high-quality care, taking into account all the needs of the flower, the vine will constantly grow, develop, and, perhaps, even bloom.


Philodendron is a thermophilic plant. The plant does not require special temperature conditions. Moreover, Temperatures above 25ºC in summer are undesirable. In winter, the ambient temperature should not drop below 15ºC.


Almost all species love the scattered rays of the sun. Variegated plant forms require more light than monochromatic ones. In winter, the plant needs additional light, which you can get from a fluorescent lamp. It is also necessary to avoid direct sunlight, from which the leaves burn and dry. But a dark corner of a room won’t help either.


The philodendron must be watered regularly, especially during spring and summer. The frequency of watering depends on the air temperature in the room where the plant is located. It is poured an hour after watering. Moreover,  At low ambient temperatures, watering is reduced. It is also impossible to dry out the landmass too much. Water the plant with soft water (rain, boiled, settled). Otherwise, streaks will remain on the leaves of the plant.

The bottle of philodendron is watered less often. The plant must be sprayed regularly, especially during the heating season. Younger specimens will love the shower. Additionally, Do not forget to clean the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth. This hygiene procedure not only improves the appearance of the philodendron but also increases humidity.


In their natural habitat, philodendrons prefer animal droppings, insect waste products, rotting tree foliage, and rainwater. During the period of intensive growth, the philodendron will not refuse to feed. They are brought from March to September. Once a month is enough if the plant is in a warm room. Fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are also suitable. If it is important for the plant to be compact, it is limited in nitrogen fertilization.

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