How to clean the leaves of your houseplants

Houseplants are not only used for just decorating and increasing the beauty of your kitchen but they can decrease stress, depression, and anxiety level. Leave cleaning is very important for the health of your plants. They can also eliminate negativity from your life and comes positivity, productivity, and happiness into your life. Some plants like money plants and peace lilies bring wealth and prosperity to your life. Cleaning the leaves of your green friend is crucial for their fresh look, health, and life because a thick coating of air pollutants or dust on leaves will not welcome sunlight and decrease the plant’s capability to photosynthesize. How to clean leaves on a plant may seem like a time-taking task but you can know easy, creative, and fastest ways of cleaning the leaves of your indoor plants in the kitchen.

How often should you wipe your houseplants?

It depends on how much pollutants in the air grow your houseplants. If your home is nearby industry or construction areas then you should clean your houseplants once every week. If you are not live in construction areas then clean your green friends once a month. Because leave cleaning is important for the healthy life of plants. The easy way to know when your green friend needs a bath is to rub your fingertip gently on the surface of the leaves. If you feel the dust on leaves by touching them, it’s time to wash your indoor plants. Don’t use different products for cleaning purposes and focus on natural ways of cleaning.

What cleaning and disinfecting gardening tools you will need?

gardening tools | leave cleaning |

Gardening equipment is very essential for regular maintenance and proper growth of houseplants in the kitchen. You should also keep your tools clean, sharp, and antiseptic. There are several tools for maintaining the houseplant that you will need.

  • Spray bottle
  • Sprayer nozzle or hose
  • Bucket
  • Damp cloth
  • Soft duster or brush
  • Stiff brush
  • Plastic wrap
  • Dish detergent
  • Household bleach

Why you should clean your house plants on a daily basis?

Cleaning the houseplants is essential for healthy, energetic, glossy, and stunning leaves of plants otherwise hazardous air pollutants can harm the natural beauty of your Indoor plants. Dust particles and debris on the surface of leaves will block the stomates which help in the process of photosynthesis in the lungs of plants and your plant will become feeble and die by starving when it can’t able to prepare the food for itself. Don’t use chemicals in huge amounts for cleaning the leaves and focus on easy and natural ways of cleaning. It is necessary to leave cleaning of your plant.

How do you clean and shine the houseplant leaves naturally?

how to clean leaves on a plant

Rinse the plant with a Spray Nozzle

how to clean leaves on a plant |

You can keep your green friends contented and thrilled by using a metal spray nozzle with a hose. Because leave cleaning is essential for your plant’s life. You can wash your tiny and large houseplants with the kitchen sink, shower, and sprayer nozzle within a few minutes. Keep the water pressure and temperature of drizzling water moderate for cleaning the leaves of houseplants. Sizzling and freezing water can harm the beauty of houseplants, you can use gentle and lukewarm water for showering the plants.

Mist Your Houseplants with Spray Bottle for Leave cleaning

how to clean leaves on a plant |

A spray bottle is the best option for those sensitive plants who can’t tolerate the pressure of a Spray nozzle such as Succulents, herbs, cacti, and bonsais. You can use an empty old plastic bottle with homemade prayer for bathing the houseplants.

  • You can prepare homemade spray by stirring one tablespoon of vinegar in one gallon of water.
  • You can also utilize one tablespoon of lemon juice as an alternative to vinegar.
  • You can also prepare your natural and chemical-free spray in your kitchen by adding various cloves of minced garlic, 1/4 cup of canola oil, 3 tablespoons of hot pepper sauce, and ½ teaspoon of liquid soap in 4 liters of water.

Vinegar fragrance can repulse pests instead of lemon juice and keep your plants safe and healthy. But don’t drizzle the spray on leaves in an excessive amount otherwise it will play a role as an herbicide. Lemon juice and vinegar both can assist to dissolve mineral salts as acids. The acidity of lemon and vinegar helps in leave cleaning of your plants.

Soak the Plants in the water

how to clean leaves on a plant |

If your houseplants look grubby then you can dunk the plants in the water. You’re cute and tiny green friends can enjoy swimming by dipping the leaves of the plants in the bucket of water or the kitchen sink. Make sure to water the soil with your hand or fingertips before landing the plants in the water otherwise, the soil falls into the bucket of lukewarm water.

Wipe the leaves of houseplants with a damp Cloth

Wipe the leaves of houseplants with a damp Cloth |

Wipe the leaves with baby wipes or a piece of damp cloth is best for those plants that have a few large leaves in the size such as snake plants, umbrella plants, Monstera Deliciosa, Calathea Orbifolia, and fiddle leaf figs. Place each leaf in your palm in a tender manner and wipe down the upper surface of the leaf gently with a damp cloth going away from the stem. Repeat this process on the undersides of the leaf. Using baby wipes for cleaning purposes is acceptable but not a great option because they contain chemicals.

Leave cleaning with a spongy brush

Clean the leaves with a spongy brush | leave cleaning |

If your indoor plants have tiny frizzy and velvety leaves and don’t allow you to clean them easily then a soft and durable brush with soft bristles is best for these houseplants. You can use a moss brush, mushroom brush, and paintbrush for African violets, cacti, and succulents. If you haven’t any specific brush then you can utilize the toothbrush or soft duster for cleaning the hairy leaves of houseplants. Don’t use any hard brush with harsh bristles for sensitive leaves of houseplants.

Wash the leaves with soapy water

Wash the leaves with soapy water | leave cleaning |

You can apply a mixture of natural liquid soap and water solution gently with a damp cloth on the top and lower surface of the leaves. You can add a teaspoon of any detergent-free liquid soap to half a gallon of distilled water. Then soak a microfiber piece of cloth in this solution and wipe down softly on both sides of the leaf. Leave cleaning can increase the life of your plant.

Clean the individual leaf with oils

Clean the individual leaf with oils | leave cleaning |

Three different oils are best for the luminous and vibrant leaves of houseplants. Let’s explore it.

  • Coconut oil can make your leaves of houseplants glow and shine. A small amount of coconut oil won’t hurt the leaves of plants but never use it over and over.  This method is best for a short time not for a long period.
  • If you do have not coconut oil, you can apply olive oil on the top surface of the leaves. Olive oil can create a shining temporary layer of leaves.
  • Baby oil is another best option for glowing the leaves of indoor plants

Shine the leaves with Milk

Shine the leaves with Milk |

You can use Milk for nourishing and cleaning purposes despite various oils. Milk is useful and easily approached cleanser for some reasons and is used for glowing and cleaning the leaves of houseplants in the kitchen. Because, milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutritional benefits that can be favorable for improving the health condition of your green friends.

Milk contains a minute amount of calcium which helps to boost the energy of leaves. Milk has also consisted of the most beneficial vitamin named protein which assists to terminate debris on the surface of leaves. But always remember, Milk can shine your plants temporarily not permanently so don’t forget to clean your plants properly for a long time.

Leave cleaning with Duster

Clean the leaves with Duster | leave cleaning |

You can clean your green friends with a soft and natural lambswool duster. The duster can remove all dust and debris within a few minutes. Lambswool duster can give a natural look and shine to your houseplants.

Caring tips for leave cleaning and leaf shine

  • Don’t scratch the soft skin of leaves with nails. Leaf shine is available as a suitable and useful wipe. They are best for those plants who just want soft touch and scrubbing.
  • Leaf Shine is made up of all-natural and chemical-free ingredients such as yucca and glycerol. They won’t scrape the surface of leaves.
  • Don’t use harsh bristles of brush for cleaning the plants, always use soft bristles.
  • It is not recommended to use too much hot water or cold water, always use lukewarm water for bathing the plants.
  • try to avoid an enormous amount of oils for glowing and shining the leaves of your houseplants.
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