Chinese Money Plant

Chinese Money plant

Chinese Money Plant ( Hanging Succulent) is an herbaceous perennial belonging to the nettle family and comes from Southeast Asia originally. The Pilea plant is also known as the UFO plant, pancake plant, and missionary plant.  Money plant become the center of attention for its unique flat and shiny coin-shaped glossy green leaves which stalk out on long stalks. As a houseplant, Pilea can meet 50cm in height. A colossal number of People believed that the Chinese Money plant is a great symbol of good fortune, happiness, and friendship. Money plants always bless their owner with wealth and prosperity.

How to grow and care for your Money plant?

  • Money Tree appreciates both direct and indirect light so, turn or rotate it regularly to achieve the right balance of sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves of the money tree.
  • If you want to become immediately rich place it in the nutrient-rich potting soil that is perfect to thrive your green friend.
  • If you want to keep your money plant happy and satisfied, you just need to water it every one to two weeks. Let allow the soil dry before watering again.
  • A temperature between 65 and 75 is acceptable for growing Money Tree.
  • Fertilize once every 2 weeks from April to September.
  • If you notice several green leaves turn yellow or your green friend loses their leaves continuously, it is an alarming situation for you that something is wrong with your Chinese Money plant.

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia)

Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny is a vigorous low-growing evergreen creeper of the Primulaceae family. This Hanging Succulent is also known as creeping Charlie, moneywort, and two penny grass due to its cutest tiny coin-shaped leaves with waxy edges. This amazing perennial can brighten up the monotonous corner of your kitchen. When creeping jenny is happy with you, it will bestow you with a bright cup-shaped small flower comprised of five petals in spring and summer. It looks stunning in a hanging basket as compared to the container.

How to grow and care for Creeping jenny?

  • Creeping jenny blooms more in full exposure to the sun but it can tolerate partial shade. Avoid too much direct sunlight on the hottest summer days.
  • Creeping jenny is a moisture lover so don’t let the soil dry out completely.
  • It prefers well-drained, moist, and organic soil to thrive.
  • Keep an eye out for fungal diseases because they can develop rust or leaf spots in extremely moist and cold temperatures so if you notice the color of leaves change continuously then enhance the airflow in the area.

Compton (Kalanchoe alticola)

Compton Succulent

Compton is a dwarf succulent and is native to South Africa. It is the main member of the Crassulaceae family. It admired for its pale greenish-brown circular coin-shaped leaves. If you take care of this dwarf succulent, it will bloom orange-yellow flowers in the form of a reward. This striking foliage is an ideal addition to your indoor succulent collection.

How to grow and care Compton?

  • Compton is very conscious about light level so, place it at a sunny spot where it can get enough bright indirect light. Keep away it from the tropical sun.
  • Water it frequently in the active growing season (fall to winter) but avoid watering during the scalding and burning summer days.
  • Well-drained, moist, and nutrient-rich potting soil is perfect to thrive your green friend. 

Yellow Rainbow Bush | Hanging Succulent

Rainbow Brush

Yellow Rainbow Bush is a slow-growing evergreen succulent and is a member of the Didiereaceae family. Rainbow Bush is native to South Africa. Everyone can fall in love with it due to its stunning reddish-brown stems and yellowish-green tiny rounded coin-shaped leaves.

How to grow and care for Yellow Rainbow Bush?

  • It loves full exposure to the sun to thrive. It can’t tolerate low light conditions.
  • Rainbow bush is a drought-tolerant succulent so, don’t keep it in soggy soil.
  • It is not frost-hardy and requires free-drained soil. 

Elephant bush | Hanging Succulent

Elephant Bush

Elephant bush has interesting reddish-brown stems and glossy, rounded fleshy leaves. It earned its unique name because elephants are crazy for it in South Africa. This drought-tolerant evergreen plant is an ideal plant for hanging baskets due to its cascading habit. It is also a pet-friendly and kid-friendly plant. Its botanical name is Portulacaria afra ‘Cascade’

How do grow and are Elephant bushes?

  • This low-maintenance and slow-growing succulent prefers full exposure to the sun instead of partial shade.
  • If you are swamped in your busy life and neglect it for a long time, this drought-tolerant plant can survive without water for some time.
  • It prefers sandy soil so the roots of this plant don’t rot. Just make sure that the container has a drainage hole so the extra water drains out easily. 

Jade Plant | Hanging Succulent

Jade Plant | Hanging Succulent

Jade Plant has tiny, round, and glossy green leaves with a splash of red near the edges which represent jade coins and jade stones. Crassula ovate is a botanical name for the jade plant. According to feng shui, it is the epitome of health, wealth, and growth. You can gift it to the owners of the business or a person who wants to start a new business for good fortune and success.

How to grow and care for your Jade plant?

  • It loves bright indirect light to thrive and hates cold temperatures so, keep them away from the breezy window.
  • Jade plants don’t show satisfactory results when sitting always in moist or damp soil, so let the top 2 inches of soil dry out between watering gaps. If you notice blisters on the surface of leaves, it indicates overwatering so, stop watering in this case.
  • You can feed your green friend about a month after planting it. 

String of Turtle | Hanging Succulent

String of Turtle | Hanging Succulent

The botanical name of the string of turtle is Peperomia prostrate which is native to tropical areas of Ecuador and Brazil. It has long and vine-like greenish-orange stems and greenish-red coin-shaped leaves. You can keep it in a hanging basket because Its cascading and trailing stems look stunning in a hanging basket.

How to grow and care for String of Turtle?

  • If you want to look string of a turtle satisfied, keep it in a sunny spot where it receives bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight because it can burn the natural beauty of leaves.
  • Water your green friend twice a week during summer and once a week in winter. Let the top surface of the soil dry out completely.
  • A string of Turtle is not a heavy feeder but if you feel sluggishness in the growth process, you can fertilize it with liquid fertilizer once every month, especially in the active growing season.
  • It appreciates well-drained and moist soil to thrive. The temperature should not be below 13 degrees Celsius.

Silver Dollar | Hanging Succulent

Silver Dollar | Hanging Succulent

The Silver Dollar Plant, also known as the Money Plant or Lunaria, is a biennial plant that grows 90 to 120 centimeters tall. The name comes from its flat silver coin-shaped flowers which strongly resemble silver dollars. The flowers grow on very thin stalks that branch out at the top. This hanging succulent, which is in bloom from May to July, is excellent for perennial beds and growing in groupings. You can keep this cutest succulent on the dining table of your kitchen.

How to grow and care for Silver Dollar Plant?

  • Silver Dollar Plant can survive in full exposure to sun and partial shade too.
  • Temperature between 60 degrees and 70 degrees F is ideal for growing Silver Dollar Plant.
  • Well-drained, moist, and nutrient-rich potting soil is perfect to thrive your green friend.


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