Are you confused about which houseplants require low-light or medium light and which light prefers high light for thriving? Don’t muddle about it. Let’s explore the plant light requirements of different houseplants.

Low-Light Indoor Plants

Have you been reluctant to attempt thriving houseplants in your kitchen or certain spot because you believe that there is no sufficient light for plants in the kitchen? Don’t be scared and eliminate this false illusion. Here, are 10 indoor plants that can thrive in low light in your kitchen.

Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia seguine)

plant light requirements

Dumb Cane belongs to the arum family and is known as a low-light indoor plant. You can also call it the name of your mother-in-law’s tongue. It is originally grown in tropical America and West Indies regions. Dumb Cane bestows us with flowers barely but when they do, their blooming flowers are not prominent and aromatic. They very resemble the shape of a peace lily and the odor of their blooming flowers never bothers you so, don’t pluck the blossoms off until after they’ve withered. Dumb Cane is hazardous for your pet, so keep this green friend away from your fur babies.

Friendship Plant

Pilea involucrata

The botanical name of Pilea involucrata is native to Central and South America and is commonly known for its oval-shaped and velvety texture of leaves. Pilea involucrate received the moniker “Friendship plant” because of how simple it is to thrive and propagate for everyone. Its contrasting beautiful colors can captivate everyone easily. Friendship plant loves to thrive in bright indirect light rooms. There are two main types of Friendship plants.

Moon Valley Friendship Plant

Moon Valley is a very unique type of indoor friendship plant with notched leaves and dark- red underneath. This plant will always welcome you with a colossal number of tiny pink flowers every morning.

Norfolk Friendship Plant: Norfolk is an outstanding indoor plant with profound spine-like veins. The leaves of Norfolk arise with reddish-pink color and then convert into sonic silver with biochar (charcoal green) veins.

Monstera Plant | Plant Light Requirements

Monstera Plant

Monstera Plant is also well known as the Swiss Cheese Plant and split-leaf philodendron. This low-light indoor plant is appreciated for its huge perforate (split) and cordate (heart-shaped) leaves. It is not just tidying up your kitchen and alleviating the air pollutant but they are also energetic boosters. The plant has an exotic look and can thrive very rapidly. Moreover,  Monstera plant is available in three varieties now.

  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Monstera Variegata
  • Monstera Adansonii


  • Dubia
  • Monstera Obliqua

Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant | plant light requirements

The botanical name of the Prayer Plant is Maranta leuconeura. The prayer Plant is one of the most demanding and beautiful tropical plants. Prayer Plants have dark green velvety ovate-type leaves with yellow blotches and red veins trekking towards the leaf margins. They produce white and purple flowers in spring which are similar to sweet peas in shape.

Prayer Plant loves a warm atmosphere, moist soil, and partial exposure to the sun for thriving. Never place your lovely prayer plant in direct sunlight, otherwise, the blistering heat of the sun will dry the prayer’s leaves and dwindle the color-intensity of leaves. Additionally, If you notice that your prayer plant is going into dormancy (dying completely) in winter then place it in bright sunlight to retain the growth.

Bird Nest’s Fern | Plant Light Requirements

plant light requirements

Bird Nest’s Fern has a botanical name “Asplenium nidus”. It earned its name Bird Nest’s Fern because it looks like a bird’s nest. This great and natural low-light indoor plant is also known as Crow’s Nest. Moreover, they have funnel-shaped and wavy undivided frond leaves with light green glossy color.

Bird Nest’s Fern will welcome you with flatter leaves if you place it in a low-light, filtered sunlight spot, moist soil, and optimal humidity. Don’t use any chemical pesticides for this plant because they will demolish this plant’s flatter leaves. Additionally, there are four unique types of Bird Nest Ferns.

  • Crispy Wave
  • Osaka
  • Antiquum
  • Victoria

Medium Light Houseplants

These plants can thrive in medium indirect light and are ideal for windows that face either the east or the west. Medium-light plants include:

Yucca | Plant Light Requirements

plant light requirements

Yucca spp is a botanical name for yucca plants and is native to the American Southwest, the Caribbean, and Mexico. It is a genus that makes up over 40 perennial plants, trees, and shrubs. Some are vigorous and slow-footed plants while few are fast-footed plants. All species of Yucca plants can accommodate dryness. Moreover, the perfect and ideal place for a Yucca plant is the bright corner of your kitchen with low humidity.

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