When it comes time to grill your dinner, do you have a preference between charcoal and gas? So many people do, so we thought we would share the pros and cons of each one with you. This way, if you are on the fence, you may be able to make up your mind once and for all!
Pros of a Charcoal Grill
Not everyone has a love for charcoal grills, but those that do love these pros about this type of grill:
- Incredible Flavor – Grillers say the flavor of whatever you are cooking is so much better when you use a charcoal grill. The open flame is supposed to give you flavor you simply cannot get from a gas flame.
- Hotter Temperatures – There is no doubt that charcoal can reach higher temperatures than gas can. This is perfect if you want some char on your meats. However, you must be careful that you are not reaching temperatures that will release the chemicals from the briquettes.
- Portability – You can purchase smaller charcoal grills, which is perfect for when you want to take your grill to the beach, park, or campground.
- Affordable – It is amazing how many affordable charcoal grills are available on the market today. You can easily grab one or two at a cheap price for all your outdoor cooking needs.

Pros of a Gas Grill
For as many people who love their charcoal grill, there are many others who will choose gas over charcoal any day.
- Easy to Use – When you want to grill dinner, all you need to do with a gas grill is turn on the gas and push a button to light it. You can even set up an indirect heating option on these grills.
- Ready Almost Immediately – When you light a gas grill, you won’t need to wait too long for it to reach the temperature you want. Plus, you will never wonder what the temperature is, because there is usually a built-in thermometer.
- Unique Searing – The sear you get on meat from a gas grill is different than what you expect from a charcoal grill. However, some gas grills have a special sear burner. You may want to consider one of those if seared meat is important to you.
- Clean Up is Simple – Cleaning a gas grill is often much easier than a charcoal grill. Plus, you don’t need to clean these types of grills as often.
- Flare-Ups are Minimal – Unless your gas grill is really dirty, you should hardly ever experience a flare-up while grilling.

Cons of a Charcoal Grill
Surprisingly, there are a few cons when it comes to using a charcoal grill for all your grilling needs.
- Time to Get Ready for Grilling – Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time for charcoal grills to heat up and be ready for grilling. This is not good news for those people who want to grill dinner when they get home from work at night.
- Temperature Lowers Quickly – Once your charcoal grill has reached a high temperature. It can cool down rather quickly. This isn’t something you want if your dinner is not quite ready! The only way you can increase the temperature is to add more briquettes. Moreover, wait for them to turn white once again. This adds even more time to your grilling schedule.
- Grilling Items Can Be Expensive – While charcoal grills are relatively cheap, you still must pay for the briquettes and lighting tools you need to use your grill. Those items can become expensive over time.
- Flare-Ups Occur More Often – Flare-ups are common when cooking with charcoal. So you will want to keep water close by every time you use your grill.
- Cleanup is Difficult – Charcoal creates ashes, which are difficult to clean. Between the time it takes to let the ashes cool. So you can dispose of them and cleaning time, you could spend a couple of hours doing this job alone. However, cleaning your charcoal grill is important if you want to keep it grilling long into the future.
Cons of a Gas Grill
There are a couple of cons when it comes to gas grills. So you will want to be prepared for these things if you decide to purchase one.
- Temperature Dials Are Not Always Accurate – The temperature dials on a gas grill can be helpful. Because it is important to know they are not always going to be accurate. Once you start to grill more often, you will be able to determine the correct temperatures of your gas grill.
- Cleaning is Still Necessary: You may think your gas grill doesn’t look that dirty. So it doesn’t need to be cleaned. It may not, but it is still a good idea to clean it once in a while. You should never think you won’t need to clean your grill simply because you purchased a gas grill.
- More Expensive – Gas grills are much more expensive than charcoal grills, which is why some people always go the charcoal route.
- Meat isn’t as Crispy – Grilled meat doesn’t always get as crispy when you are using a gas grill. One reason is the meat drippings don’t vaporize back to the meat as easily when you use this type of grill.
You may be surprised by the different pros and cons of charcoal and gas grills. There are a few people that really don’t care what type of grill they use. As long as they get delicious foods off it every time. However, if you are particular about your grill, you may want to consider the pros and cons of the grill you want. Those pros and cons may have you changing your mind and purchasing the grill you never thought you would own.
Before you go out to purchase your next grill, consider whether a charcoal or gas grill is best for your needs. You may be surprised that the grill you have been using all these years wasn’t the right grill for you after all!