If you are looking for low-maintenance indoor plants and houseplants that grow in the absence of soil then you are visiting the right place. If you don’t want to create a mess with soil in the kitchen then this blog is very informative and helpful for you. Just try these astonishing plants once in your life. You will fall in love with these low-maintenance Indoor water plants without soil for your kitchen. You can thrive these houseplants as a centerpiece in a beautiful glass jar or vase. Let’s explore some outstanding indoor plants that grow in water.


Philodendron | allaroundkitchens.com

Philodendron is one of the unique philodendron species that is relatively flexible for thriving in water. An interesting fact about Philodendrons is they are known as the sweetheart plant. You just need 6 inches long cutting stem of heart-leaf philodendron in a glass jar or vase.

Caring tips for Philodendron Indoor water plants without soil

  • Make sure that keep the glass jar with philodendron in luminous indirect light because this species of philodendron require moderate sun exposure for growing.
  • Don’t neglect to alter the water once within 3-4 days.
  • Don’t use cold water for them because cold water becomes hazardous for Heart-Leaf philodendrons. You must avoid overwatering otherwise fresh green leaves of Heart-Leaf will turn into dull yellow color.
  • Don’t place it in excessive humidity levels otherwise your lovely plant faces fungus on its leaves.
  • Heart-Leaf doesn’t like feeding during the winter instead of spring and summer.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo | allaroundkitchens.com

Lucky bamboo is one of the low-maintenance indoor plants that prefer to live in water for growing. you can grow these Indoor water plants without soil. One of the best things about this Lucky bamboo is they are a symbol of happiness, luck, and prosperity. Lucky bamboo is very versatile in different designs and shapes such as swirls, hearts, and braids.

Growing Tips for Lucky Bamboo

  • Lucky Bamboo will show good results in bright indirect light. So. Place your little lucky bamboo in indirect light.
  • Fill up your jar with a sufficient amount of water to wet its roots.
  • Lucky Bamboo craves a temperature range of 65-950 F.
  • Exclude any Chlorotic Leaves ( yellow leaves)
  • Lucky Bamboo is poisonous for your fur babies, so make sure to keep it away from their approach.

English Ivy

English Ivy | allaroundkitchens.com

English Ivy (Hedra Helix) is one of the most popular air-purifying indoor plants. It has a perky look, and maple-shaped leaves, and is versatile. The best Indoor water plants without soil  English Ivy is an emblem of affection, perpetual life, and patriotism. English Ivy can help to eliminate all types of indoor air pollutants such as bacteria and benzene. English ivy will say good morning to you with beautiful heart-shaped leaves every day.

Caring Tips for English Ivy

  • English ivy loves swimming in water so, keep it in a glass jar for
  • Put it at any high place or near an east window for bright light. English Ivy will stunningly droop down its stems and roots.
  • Don’t keep it in bright sunlight instead indirect light in the winter.
  • Try not to be over-devoted and benevolent when watering your little green friend ivy otherwise, green leaves lose their beauty and will turn in yellow. Drying, browning, and falling leaves represent that plant is sobbing with tears for help.

Wandering Jew (Indoor water plants without soil)

Wandering Jew | allaroundkitchens.com

The botanical name of Wandering Jew is Tradescantia pallida and known as the flowering inch plant. The Wandering Jew plant is not just a single plant, referring to three different species such as Tradescantia Flumeninsia, Zebrina, and pallida. Tradescantia Flumeninsia has green leaves with white three-petaled flowers. Zebrina comes with zebra-like leaves and creamy white in the middle of the short leaves while silver at the edges. Pallida is one of the most demanding and beautiful types of Wandering Jew foliage with dark purple leaves and light pink flowers.

Caring Tips of Wandering Jew

  • You can keep your Wandering Jew in a clean glass jar or plastic container.
  • If you keep it in bright but indirect light, it will bestow you with new gorgeous flowers every morning.
  • Fill up your container about 3 inches with normal water and drenched the roots of Wandering Jew in the water.
  • Change the water in the container after 3 weeks.
  • Don’t overwater your beautiful Wandering Jew.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) | allaroundkitchens.com

Pothos is one of the most popular indoor plants that happily thrive in water. If you don’t know much about plants, then Pothos is for your kitchen. Pothos has dark green heart-shaped leaves with splashes of yellow. This plant can help to reduce air pollutants in your kitchen.

Caring Tips of Pothos

  • If you want to look over your Pothos throughout the day, a glass jar or vase is the best room Make sure to keep the roots of Pothos always underwater while leaves are above the container.
  • You can keep it in different unique shapes of glass jars or vases such as Goodwill, urban outfitters, and eBay. It looks gorgeous in a glass jar.
  • Change the water daily or after a couple of days otherwise, your Pothos will sick.
  • Keep it at consistent room temperature.
  • Make sure to provide enough amount of nutrients because Pothos desires to absorb nutrients throughout the water.
  • Your Pothos requires feeding after 4 weeks, so add a drop of liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.

Coleus (Indoor water plants without soil)

Coleus | allaroundkitchens.com

Coleus is known as a Victorian-era bedding plant and is very rich in colors, patterns, and size. Moreover, Coleus comes with square-shaped leaves with different bright and outstanding colors. Coleus is the best low-maintenance and colorful indoor plant, it can survive numerous years in indoor places. Coleus houseplants come in different bright colors such as green, pink, red, and yellow with the maroon combination.

Varieties of Coleus

Coleus comes in multiple unique varieties with different colors, patterns, and sizes.

  • Wizard Series
  • Kong Series
  • Premium Sun Series
  • Fairway Series
  • Black Dragon

Growing Tips of Coleus

  • Full exposure to the sun is the priority of the Coleus plant but always remember it depends on the different varieties of Coleus. Old-fashioned Coleus prefer a half shade of sun while new Coleus require bright sunlight. Too much sunlight can burn the beauty of the Coleus plant and fade its bright colors.
  • You can propagate Coleus by simply cutting roots and stems from mature plants or by division method and keeping it in a container with water.
  • It is very harmful to your fur babies, so always keep it away from their reach.
  • Container-growing Coleus likes to take feeds once a month.
  • Make sure to dip stems of Coleus into rooting hormone and keep leaves above the surface of the water in this way, even a single leaf can’t touch the water.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum) Indoor water plants without soil | allaroundkitchens.com

Spider plants have a green and white rosette of long thin leaves with harsh texture which gives the plant a splendid and natural look. Although, Spider Plant has a great ability to purify the air and eliminate numerous irritating odors or harmful smoke. Spider plants can reduce stress levels from your busy life.

Caring Tips for Spider Plant

  • You can propagate Spider Plant by simply cutting roots and stems from mature plants or by division method and keeping them in a container with non-chlorinated water.
  • Make sure to dip the stems of the Spider Plant into the water and keep the leaves of the spider plant outside the surface of the Liquid.
  • Place the glass jar or vase in bright indirect light for thriving. It doesn’t take more time for developing the roots.
  • Change the water of the container on a daily basis and refrain to fill up the container with tap water. Rainwater is the best caretaker for susceptible roots from acidic Solutions.
  • You can use liquid fertilizer such as diluted houseplant food for your little Spider Plant.

Begonia (Begonia Fimbristipula)

Begonia (Begonia Fimbristipula) Indoor water plants without soil | allaroundkitchens.com

Begonia is one of the most demanding indoor plants that grow in water. Moreover, Begonia is mostly used as an ornamental flower for decoration at several occasions and events. Thriving Begonia plants in water is easy for everyone.

Caring Tips for Begonia Plant

  • Make sure to keep the roots of the Begonia always submerged in water while the leaves of the Begonia are outside the container.
  • Place the glass jar or vase near the east window because Begonia loves bright sunlight for growing.
  • You can propagate begonia by taking stem cutting, leaf cutting, and rhizome cutting.
  • Don’t neglect to change the water every week for proper thriving.

Paperwhite (Narcissus papyraceus)

Paperwhite (Narcissus papyraceus) Indoor water plants without soil | allaroundkitchens.com

You can thrive paperwhite narcissus bulbs in a glass container and force them to produce white flowers as soon as possible. they are looking beautiful if you plant your lovely paperwhite in a glass container or terrarium with pebbles because these are Indoor water plants without soil. Moreover, you can water them in this way, So you can keep an eye on the water level and examine the procedure of thriving throughout the day.

Caring tips of Paperwhite Indoor water plants without soil

  • You can place seashells, stones, and glass beads at the bottom of the glass jar then fill up one-quarter of a container with water.
  • Make sure that only the roots of the bulbs are submerged in the water instead of the whole bulbs taking a bath.
  • A cylindrical vase is best for propagating Paperwhite because the sides of a cylindrical vase can help to thrive paperwhite in an upward direction.
  • Keep them in a sunny spot where they get enough indirect light. They will bloom beautiful white flowers after 4 weeks. It is a hard nut to crack to preserve bulbs for the coming year.
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