The kitchen is more than a spot where you prepare meals for your family. You can interact and enjoy time with those you love and cherish in this place. Green friends look very attractive in any corner of the house and give you a peaceful sight and relaxing breathing every morning. However, it is not as common as we did like to see Indoor Houseplants on the kitchen shelves. But it is crucial for enhancing productivity and purifying the environment by increasing deforestation. It is a very reasonable method to renovate the kitchen.
They will give you an energetic view whenever you feel tired during the cooking. As a result, a beautiful smile will appear on your face. You can get rid of anxiety and depression through plants. They can play a role of an emergency kit without a first aid kit. Aromatic plants can make your meal more delicious and keep them fresh.
One of these houseplants would be a good idea to place in your kitchen and make your life peaceful.
English Ivy | Indoor Houseplants
English Ivy is one of the greens and indoor houseplants with versatile nature. It is also known as European and common ivy and belongs to the Araliaceae or ginseng family. The Ivy plant has various symbolic meanings, such as friendship, affection, eternal life, and loyalty. It looks gorgeous and perky.
Uses of English ivy
English ivy is used for festive adornment at Christmas and sometimes in the winter season. Its pointy and maple-shaped leaves come in many hues of green with splashes of creamy white, yellow, and black. You can hang it in a basket near an east or west window for sunlight. You must keep it cool in the winter season. It can help to reduce indoor air pollutants such as bacteria, benzene, and formaldehyde.
Aloe Vera | Indoor Houseplants
Aloe Vera is a plant that is a cactus-like plant in tropical regions. Nutritional Neuroscience approved that Aloe Vera reduces depression and enhances memory.
Benefits and uses of Aloe Vera
You should keep it next to the stove because it is the best earlier pain relief. If you burn your hand, rub Aloe Vera gel on the wound, and you’ll immediately feel a cooling effect. Aloe Vera is not just for healing the wound; you can also eat it for health benefits. It can help to reduce constipation.
The side effect of Aloe Vera
But be careful if you have allergic to tulips, garlic, and onion because aloe Vera can damage your skin in this case. Aloe Vera may also be dangerous during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Spider Plants (Chlorophytum Comosum)
Spider plants have a green and white rosette of long thin leaves, which gives the plant a unique look. Spider plant has excellent proficiency in purifying the air of pollutants and eradicating different stinking odors. If you really like to maintain your kitchen free from fragrances and poisonous smoke, then the Spider plant is vital for your kitchen.
Uses of Spider Plant
Spider plants are also a significant source of increasing humidity and decreasing stress levels. Spider plants add bright colors to your life and make you satisfied. It is easy to grow because it does not require more water and light. Place spider plants in your kitchen and breathe in an ozone-free environment.
Snake Plants (Dracaena Trifasciata)
Snake plant is the best natural air purifier and removes volatile compounds from the air at the colossal level. The snake plant is known as the Mother-in-law’s tongue. Their strong pointing leaves bring optimistic power and give you an aesthetic experience. Their long and upright leaves with beautiful strips and yellow edges provide a natural look to your kitchen.
Benefits of Snake Plant
It helps to alleviate air born allergies. If you are stuck in the middle of thousands of projects, this beginner-friendly houseplant is best and made for you. It does not need more water, light, and attention. The appropriate place to keep them is on the windowsill of your kitchen. Snake plants can absorb echo through leaves and modify the acoustic system around the kitchen.
The side effect of Snake plant
You must ensure that it is safe from cats and dogs because it is considered toxic for pets.
Pothos | Indoor Houseplants
These plants come from French Polynesian islands but have naturalized in tropical forests worldwide. Pathos is one of the beginner-friendly houseplants. It will always stay satisfied with the environment if you place it in enough light and do not maintain a high humidity level. Its beautiful vines will spread on the walls within a few days and make your kitchen more attractive.
Importance and uses of Pothos
You can neglect it for an extended period, and it never takes revenge for it. Don’t worry about managing the light in the kitchen because these plants never stop growing when you place them in dark or dim light. You can propagate pathos within a few minutes. You can also bear it in a glass water bottle within a few weeks and change the water daily or after a couple of days. These plants can also eliminate air pollutants like them which we discussed above.
Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)
Because it is as sturdy and unyielding as a cast iron pan, the cast iron plant earned its name. It is best for indoor because it can thrive appropriately in dim light. Its dark green and glistening leaves make your kitchen more beautiful. Be patient about it because it requires more time to grow.
How to grow Cast iron plants?
This plant loves soil that is a little moist but hates soggy. You should not keep it at a shallow temperature. You can keep Cast iron Plant anywhere in the home because it is not toxic for pets. If you notice that the leaves of cast Iron plants turn light brown, then keep away from the tropical and dazzling rays of the sun. To ensure the soil is arid before watering, always check.
Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvate)
Ponytail palm got its name because its leaves originate from the top of the plant. Its design is very unique from other houseplants. Because of its long tails, you always keep it in a small container instead of a long container. Ponytail palm loves dazzling rays of the sun, so place it near the window of your kitchen where it can obtain enough light.
How long can a ponytail palm be without water?
In summer, water the ponytail significantly, but always ensure the soil is dry before watering it ponytail palm can survive four weeks without watering because its thick trunk can serve as a reservoir. In winter, water this plant once a month.
Peace Lily | Indoor Houseplants
Peace Lily has unique recognition in the world of plants for its glossy green leaves and white blooming flowers. It symbolizes goodness, immaculate humans, peace, and purity.
Significance of Peace Lily
The Lily flower is one plant that has enjoyed a special status among the Iranians. Persian poetry is incomplete without describing the beauty of Lily.
Benefits and uses of Peace Lily
Peace Lily can smash harmful gases from the air, like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. One thing which makes peace lily different from others is that it can eliminate mold spores from the air to achieve the highest level of purification. It is enough for cleansing your kitchen. Peace lily loves bright light and moist soil. However, it never demands a plentiful amount of water.
Best place for peace lily
You can make peace lilies happy and more beautiful by pooping them on the windowsill of your kitchen. Now, you can breathe in a hygienic and healthy environment.
The side effect of Peace Lily
Be careful in purchasing lilies if you are sensitive to fragrance because Oriental and stargazer lilies are excessively fragrant and cause headaches.
Money Plant

Money Plant, Heart-shaped Leaves, Epipremnum aureum
Money plant is one of the most demanding indoor plants. The heart-shaped leaves of money plants enhance the beauty of your kitchen without creating a mess. It is not just for beauty but also a natural air purifier. According to Vastu, Money plants captivate positive energy along with luck, prosperity, wealth, and friendship.
Benefits of Money plant
You should ensure keeping at least one lucky plant at home because it brings success and excludes Monetary obstacles. You can bring positive energies into your life and eradicate all negative energies and thoughts by placing them.
The best placement for Money plant
According to Vastu principles, the money plant should be placed in the southeast instead of the northeast corner because it may cause of bringing poverty, illness, and fortune. You can keep them in aquariums because they can remove nitrates from water. You can grow money plants in a blue and green vase to get positive energy.
Begonia | Indoor Houseplants
The botanical name of Begonia is Begonia Fimbristipula. The begonia plant is mainly used as an ornamental flower because of its lovely red color and unique shape.
Benefits of Begonia
- It is beneficial for maintaining the digestive system and dealing with Bronchitis.
- You can overcome unstoppable bleeding and brighten the skin by consuming Begonia.
- It is best for bone and teeth strength.
- If you are suffering from a lousy cold, then Begonia is best for you because it has magical healing power. You can consume Begonia by boiling
- Begonia is very rich in nutrients such as Alkaloids vitamin C, Carbolic, and Oxalic acid.
Side effects of Begonia
If you are suffering from high blood pressure, kidney diseases, and Diabetes then avoid consuming the Begonia. It may cause harm in this situation. Place the Begonia plant in the kitchen and make your family healthy.
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
Are you worried about how you can free your kitchen from millions of tiny insects and bugs mostly in the summer season? Then you would find Venus flytrap best pest cleaner in this bafflement situation. The common name of this unique plant is Venus flytrap, Venus means the roman goddess of love. While species name of this plant is muscular means mousetrap or flytrap. They are initially grown in South and North Carolina.
Significance of Venus flytrap
One thing that made this carnivores plant different from others is the ability to trap and digest tiny insects. Glands on the leaf turn the green color of the leaf into rosy pink color from the inner side after a long procedure of digesting. A combination of green and rosy-pink leaves enhances the beauty of your kitchen. This bulb-like rootstock plant consists of seven leaves that have blades that are pivoted along the midline with pointed and sharp teeth for trapping. Their sharp teeth are always ready for catching the insects like lions always ready to attack dear with open mouths. Venus flytrap can also trap crawling insects like ants, scorpions, and beetles. It loves to grow in moist soil, sunlight, and humid environment.
Lavender | Indoor Houseplants
Lavender is a herb that originally grow in Northern Africa. You can use Lavender in numerous ways in your kitchen. You can make a syrup with lavender for the summer season. You can also use lavender buds for garnishing on desserts and baking bread. It is mostly used to add a floral taste to lamb and fish dishes.
Benefits and Uses of Lavender
- The vibrant colors of lavender adore your kitchen appearance and the fragrance of fresh lavender buds make your day energetic.
- Lavender will show good results in enough light, moist soil, and good You can put lavender buds in your expensive clothes and a fruit basket to repeal bugs.
- Lavender is good for hair growth. The South window of your kitchen is the best place for Lavender for receiving enough light.
Heart-Leaf philodendron
Heart- Leaf philodendron commonly known as the parlor ivy and sweetheart plant, naturally grows in tropical regions of south and Central America. This evergreen foliage plant is one of the popular indoor houseplants.
Growing and Caring Tips for Heart-Leaf
- It requires partial sun exposure, well-drained soil, and a favorable environment for growth. Be careful about placing them because excessive direct sunlight will burn their leaves.
- It requires visual attention at least once a time in a day. If you notice leaves become grimy, gently dab them with a damp fluffy napkin.
- Don’t use cold water instead of tepid water because cold water can become perilous for tropical houseplants. You must avoid overwatering otherwise fresh green leaves of Heart-Leaf will turn into dull yellow color.
- Don’t place it in excessive humidity levels otherwise your lovely plant face fungus on its leaves.
- Heart-Leaf doesn’t like feeding during the water instead of spring and summer.
Varieties of Heart-Leaf Philodendron
Heart leaf comes in unique three varieties.
- Lemon heartleaf with bright green-yellow foliage, silver cloud heart-leaf with bright green leaves show silver markings
- Pink princess philodendron with bright pink and dark green color. Personally, I love pink Princesses for their beautiful color combination.
- Heart-Leaf philodendron bestows a natural look to your kitchen. Keep away it from the approach of children and beloved pets because it contains poisonous sap which causes swelling in the throat.
ZZ plant
ZZ plant stand for Zamioculcas and zamiifolia. ZZ plant is one of the popular houseplants with shiny, waxy, and oval-shaped leaves. It prefers indirect sunlight, well-drained soil, and enough water not an excessive amount of water. Overwatering can lead to dangerous diseases. It doesn’t like cold environments for growing well.
Varieties of ZZ Plant
ZZ plant is available in the three best varieties now.
- Raven with dark purple-maroon foliage
- Lucky variegated with silver and yellow color
- Zamicro with small leaves.
You can propagate your ZZ plant through the division method and stem cutting.
Caring Tips
- Keep an eye on your plant for saving it from hazardous houseplant pests such as bugs, fungus, and gnats because they may hurt this plant.
- ZZ plants are also considered toxic for humans and animals, so it’s crucial to wear gloves before repotting and propagating.
You can place it in the corner of your kitchen. If you want to buy your own ZZ plant then buy it in its best growing season spring and summer not in winter.
Parsley | Indoor Houseplants
Parsley is an aromatic and green herb with small leaves. Parsley naturally grows in central and southern Europe. Parsley leaves have a fresh and slightly strong aroma and tangy-sweet taste. Parsley is a symbol of happiness and celebration.
Varieties of Parsley
Italian parsley is mostly used in savory dishes such as burger buns, falafel, and garlic bread while curly cilantro and chervil parsley is made for garnishing your dishes. Garnishing curly parsley on dishes enhances the beauty of your dishes.
Benefits and Uses of Parsley
- Don’t forget to add parsley in cooking because it is a good source of vitamins C, A, K, and iron. Now keep you and your family healthy by adding parsley to your daily routine. If you suffer allergic reactions then consuming parsley is best for you.
- Parsley can keep your mind fresh and healthy.
- You can just make parsley tea by boiling water and parsley.
- You can use parsley in soups and sauces for making your day.
Asparagus Fern | Indoor Houseplants
Asparagus fern is one of the most popular indoor houseplants. It requires indirect light and slight humidity for the best foliage growth. Asparagus fern produces tiny flowers and berries when it is satisfied with its environment. Humidity and a sufficient amount of water in warm weather are crucial for the proper growth of the Asparagus fern plant.
Best Place for Asparagus Fern Plant
- You can place it in a hanging basket.
- It also grows very well in a terrarium.
- Asparagus fern looks very beautiful on shelves or in hanging baskets. It gives a natural look to your kitchen.
Varieties of Asparagus Fern
There are three main types and varieties of Asparagus fern plants
- foxtail ferns
- plumose ferns
- Sprengeri ferns.
Keep soil moist but not soggy in spring and summer while keeping dry in winter. If you are a beginner then the Asparagus fern plant is not for you because it needs more attention and care like a baby.
Mint | Indoor Houseplants
Mint plant is the most demanding fresh green herb for growing indoors in containers all over the world. Mint is often used for sprinkling over fruits, meat or chicken dishes, and all type of rice. You can also make mint pesto by combining basil and Cilantro. People love mint magenta most, in fact, all restaurants offer mint magenta before serving a meal. Now, you can make mint magenta by adding lemonade, sugar, ice cubes, and fresh mint leaves at home.
Importance and uses of Mint Plant
- You can make your own mouthwash for freshness and mint tea for maintaining the digestive system.
- If you are irritated from ants in your kitchen then place a few mints stems near suspected places where ants enter and get rid of ants within a few days.
- You can keep mint stems in a fruit basket for keeping fruits fresh.
- If you are a lepidopterist then the mint plant is for you because it attracts butterflies the most.
- Mint can reduce stress and anxiety levels and encourage proper sleep.
- Place mint plants in your kitchen and make your air free from bacteria and viruses.
Best Placement of Mint Plant
You will definitely love it after placing it in your kitchen because of its prolific nature. The clay pot is the best place for growing mint plants well because it allows feet of mint plants to keep slightly wet. The mint plant thrives in indirect sunlight, ambient temperature, and humidity. There are two common types of mint plants such as peppermint and spearmint. Now you can make peppermint oil at home.
Chinese evergreen plant
The botanical name of the Chinese evergreen plant is Aglaonema spp. Chinese evergreen plant is one of the indoor plants with large glossy and pointed leaves. This outstanding kitchen plant is native to the tropical and subtropical forests of Asia and New Guinea.
Caring and growing tips of Evergreen Plant
- Always keep Chinese evergreen plant away from pets because it contains calcium oxalate that is toxic to pets.
- Keep soil moist but always allow the soil to become dry before watering. Yellow leaves may be a sign of copper deficiency and overwatering.
- Make sure that the plant gets a sufficient amount of water and raises the humidity level otherwise fresh green leaves of the plant will turn brown in color.
- It feels comfortable in indirect light.
- Don’t over-fertilize your plant otherwise you face curled leaves of the plant. It takes more time for growth as compared to other houseplants.
The silver bay is one of the most common varieties of Chinese evergreen plants. Spruce up the kitchen with the natural beauty of Chinese evergreen plants.
Air plant | Indoor Houseplants
The Air plant is known as tillandsia spp and is very versatile in varieties and nature. If you don’t know about caring for plants then air plant is for you because it doesn’t require attention. One thing that is very unique about air plants is that they can survive without soil and don’t have roots like other plants. They usually have triangle or funnel shape leaves.
Best place for Air plant
It needs enough water, indirect light, and appropriate temperature for growing well. Protect your plant from cold weather because it loves hot weather. You can place it in the glass jar and keep it away from your little children. It looks very beautiful in the glass jar. If you don’t have a glass jar then place it in a terrarium to make the air plants happy.